Directly following the US-Russia-Syria discussions, Iranian president Hassan Rouhani approached the UN, claiming that his country was prepared to come to the international table to discuss the iranian nuclear programs, to reassure the world that not only is Iran's nuclear power used solely for generating power for the country, but that the very IDEA that nuclear weapons were being prepared or were assembled in Iran was at odds with their fundamental beliefs as a country, "Nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction have no place in Iran's security and defense doctrine, and contradict our fundamental religious and ethical convictions." He goes on to say that, because the creation and development of nuclear weapons, any sanctions against Iran are, naturally, inhumane and unnecessary, making sure to include comments about how the sanctions would punish the Iranian people for crimes they never committed, "Sanctions, beyond any and all rhetoric, cause belligerence, war-mongering and human suffering." Following president Rouhani's speech, president Obama seemed pleased with the country's apparent forthright cooperation, saying in a speech that "We are not seeking regime change, and we respect the right of the Iranian people to access peaceful nuclear energy...Instead, we insist that the Iranian government meet its responsibilities under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and U.N. Security Council resolutions." Although iran is "talking the talk", Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu clearly states that while Iran's words are indeed promising, thy will not truly follow through and "walk the walk", claiming that although Iran claims innocence when it comes to nuclear weapons, their claims, as well as their attempts to gain favor with the international community, is nothing more than a farce, a "smokescreen for Iran's continual pursuit of nuclear weapons", and that Iran is simply trying to remove the sanctions so that they can continue to build towards nuclear weapons.
Although most details are sketchy at the moment, I strongly believe that Iran's coming forwards can be attributed, at least partially, by the dealings between America, Russia and Syria, possibly hoping that they can strike a deal with the UN to demolish the US sanctions against him. This article shows how dramatic action by the US set off what looks like an international chain of events that could very well ripple throughout other countries, starting with Syria and spreading to Iran within a few days.
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